
Latest Past Events

Revelation – Deltona Alliance Church, Deltona, FL

Deltona Alliance Church 921 Deltona Blvd., Deltona

Marquis presents the book of Revelation at Deltona Alliance Church. He shares the first half (chapters 1-11) at both campuses in all three AM services. They he shares the second half (chapters 12-22) for the evening service at the main campus at 6PM.

Revelation – Overcoming The Collapse of Everything Conference, Springdale, AR

The Jones Center 922 East Emma Avenue, Sprindale

Marquis presents parts of the book of Revelation at the Overcoming The Collapse of Everything Conference at The Jones Center in Springdale, AR. This is an all day Saturday conference that starts at 8:30AM and ends at 5PM on July 29th. Tickets are available at: www.lastdaysovercomers, or
